Gryphon Tailes 7 - Misery loves company

Despite the ominous title things with Gryphon are looking up, or at least no longer looking as bleak. After a visit from the chiropractor Gryphon is now moving more freely and with less pain, although his back end still does the samba while he is trying… more »

Gryphon Tailes 6

Things were going pretty well for the last day or so, even though the nights are still a bit troublesome, but tonight Gryphon was taken short and had to dash for the deck, down a few steps. Not a major problem, he got down them OK, even if he did leave… more »

Gryphon Tailes 5

It seems that a combination of the donated carpet, the medication and Gryphon starting to figure out coping strategies has resulted in a happier dog and a slightly more normal life. The problem with our house is that we don't have a way outside for the… more »

Gryphon Tailes 4

Yesterday got a little traumatic as Gryph lost control of his bowels a number of times, often when he least expected it, which distressed him somewhat. We did find that if we took him out and simply wandered slowly around for a while, we could get to… more »

Gryphon Tailes 3

Yes, I know Tailes is not a word, but it was a humorous attempt to combine two relevant homonyms, tails and tales as this is the saga of my dog Gryphon and the problems with his tail end. Last night was a bit of a trial, not a lot of sleep for me as… more »