Gryphon Tailes 7 - Misery loves company

Despite the ominous title things with Gryphon are looking up, or at least no longer looking as bleak. After a visit from the chiropractor Gryphon is now moving more freely and with less pain, although his back end still does the samba while he is trying to do the foxtrot. In fact I had one of the best nights sleep I've had in nearly a fortnight as he went to sleep and apart from his two normal outings he was quiet and comfortable.

While all of this was going on in the past few days, and I was severely sleep deprived, it seemed that the world started to crumble around us. First a modem line stopped working and I had to ferret under the house to figure out that not one but both of our modem lines were dead, one of which I was able to fix, the other obviously a problem at the exchange. Then for some reason a web site of ours started playing up. Upgrading it seemed to only break other things. The disk drive on our backup server died, and I had to quickly get it back up and running as it was also our PABX. Then this morning one of the DNS servers for our site decided to start serving spurious data, causing the site to be down for a large portion of the world. And things kept coming. The aerator pump for our vinegar production died when transferred to a new location.

It all started when I cleaned up the office. That was 3 weekends ago now, and I can only assume that I upset the structured disorder of the universe by that act, so that first Gryphon and then the rest of the world started to crumble. It seems the universe doesn't crave order, but requires a constant level of chaos. By cleaning up I removed some chaos so the universe had to redress the balance. Maybe I should just go downstairs now and toss the contents of the stationery cupboard around to try and settle up.

Mind you this little theory could have some benefits. You want a bit of chaos to happen in the upcoming election? Tidy up your taxes or your business receipts. If enough of us do this the universe will have to balance it out by tossing a bit of disorder amongst the houses of parliament. Want to make sure you find that pen you've been looking for? Tip the rubbish bin up and kick it around. That should be enough to restore order within your domicile.

Or maybe I've still not had enough sleep...

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