Farewell Old Friend

Today is March 17, the day for the wearing of the green.  But today I'm in a more sombre mood as I've just had to say goodbye to a mate of almost 17 years.  He died today in the arms of my wife, after a melanoma in the mouth finally took away his… more »

Why your next DevOps should be an Australian

I often see job postings that allow remote workers, but only from Europe or North America.  This ignores a pool of talent that has advantages that you may not have thought of.  Australia is often seen as being in an "inconvenient" timezone, yet if you… more »

In memory of Eileen Mary Donnison (nee Cain)

Today, the day before Mother's Day, my mother died.  It was fitting in some ways, she hated Mother's Day as she thought you shouldn't need a special day to remember your mother - that should be every day. My mother was born Eileen Mary Cain in the peri… more »

No it didn't rain

Yes we know they were predicting rain yesterday - managed to raise a smile although, to be honest, you can see the punchline coming now. We know it has rained in other parts of the State - oh do we know that.  We got a hot, windy, dry day - and a… more »

The Sound Track of Our Lives

We recently got some guinea fowl - early snake warning system / early intruder warning system / the cat's here the CAT'S HERE warning system... the noise is hilarious. And it's consistent. Whereas you can hear them from just about everywhere - right n… more »
