Electric bike, anyone?

I happened to grab the latest copy of my favourite electronics mag the other day which featured on the cover the Vectrix electric motor bike. Sort of a cross between a motorbike and a scooter, this appealed to me on so many levels. It has around a 100km… more »

Fevered nights in LA

The week before last I was in Orlando, Florida for a MySQL company meeting at which Sun announced their intention to acquire MySQL. It was a good mix of work, planning and fun, and apart from the initial surprise at the ownership change, went off… more »

Gryphon Tailes 8 - Master or Slave?

Things are relatively calm with Gryphon at the moment, he seems to be able to go three or four days between cortisone doses, and is getting around reasonably well. There are the few glitches where he will try to climb the stairs or get onto a couch and… more »

Gryphon Tailes 7 - Misery loves company

Despite the ominous title things with Gryphon are looking up, or at least no longer looking as bleak. After a visit from the chiropractor Gryphon is now moving more freely and with less pain, although his back end still does the samba while he is trying… more »

Gryphon Tailes 6

Things were going pretty well for the last day or so, even though the nights are still a bit troublesome, but tonight Gryphon was taken short and had to dash for the deck, down a few steps. Not a major problem, he got down them OK, even if he did leave… more »