Open letter to Yahoo! account holders

Yahoo! account holders are being witheld information that they signed up to receive. This is not the fault of the services they signed up with, but rather the arcane and obscure mechanisms by which Yahoo! supposedly identifies spam sources. If you are a… more »

Adding dynamic fields to Signups on Drupal

In my day job at SkySQL I work with Drupal as our content management system.  One thing we often need to do is provide a way for people to sign up for events and the like.  One such event is the upcoming SkySQL and MariaDB: Solutions Day for the MySQL®… more »

Yahoo and the great SPAM ripoff

In my private life I run a mail server, have done so for almost 20 years.  Recently (as in the last 12 months) we moved to a VPS because I no longer had (or wanted) the infrastructure to run a server in-house.  Since then I've been fighting a losing… more »

See you at LCA2012 this year kicks off next week in Ballarat, just down the road from me.  I'll be there and even have a speaking gig, not in the main conference but in the HA and Distributed Storage mini-conf before the main event. I'll be talking about… more »

MySQL 101 - Replication

So far we've looked at many aspects of MySQL, not in any great depth, but hopefully with enough information to get you started and whet your appetite for more.  Now we start to look into areas that aren't in the basic tutorials. Replication is the… more »