Title: OVERCLOCKED: STORIES OF THE FUTURE PRESENT Publisher: Thunder's Mouth Press Author: Cory Doctorow Edition released: Feb 2007 ISBN 10: 1-56025-981-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-56025-981-7 285 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison I have often thought of writing a… more »
Internet and traditional publishing in the spotlight - Melbourne Writers' Festival
I was privileged to meet Cory Doctorow, author and activist after seeing him in two sessions that were related to the role of the Internet in publishing and how the Creative Commons license can play its part. Nice bloke. I bought his book, Over Clocked… more »
Book Review: The Dragon Queens - Traci Harding
Title: THE DRAGON QUEENS Publisher: Voyager Author: Traci Harding Edition released: 2007 ISBN 0-7322-8111-3 477 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison It is 1856 and a document that could rock the entire foundation of Christianity has come to light. Dug up… more »
Quality not quantity
I often get criticised for the brevity, and indeed the scarcity of my book reviews. Now I don't get paid by the word for these, in fact, I don't get paid at all. I do it because I like reading and I want others to perhaps be tempted to read some of the… more »
dotProject.net has moved
If you are a regular visitor to dotProject.net you may have noticed a maintenance message being displayed for a number of hours today. There is nothing much wrong, except that we have changed our upstream hosting provider. We hope that this will provide… more »