Quality not quantity

I often get criticised for the brevity, and indeed the scarcity of my book reviews. Now I don't get paid by the word for these, in fact, I don't get paid at all. I do it because I like reading and I want others to perhaps be tempted to read some of the authors I read. Sure there are some "bad" reviews, where I haven't really been able to get into a book, but hopefully my views won't put you off at least trying the author.

I find it hard to give balanced reviews, I either want to write "RUSH OUT AND BUY IT NOW - EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO STARVE TO DO SO!" or "It would make a good firelighter" but nothing is ever that black or white. I do try and read every page of every book, and believe me sometimes that is a trial, but I owe it to the author and to the potential reader to give it a go. So if you have to wait for reviews, or find them too brief, try going to a bookshop and browsing - you will find far more than I can ever hope to review in a convenient form and comfortable setting. Or go to a library - I hear they even have coffee and Internet services in many, so you can browse both the shelves and then search for reviews.

OK, I've had a hard week, regular programming will continue after this break.

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