Title: BRASYL |
Present day Brazil - Marcelina Hoffman, German background, but Brazil through and through, is a fiesty aspiring reality TV producer. With wins under her belt starting to thin she is desperate for new ideas. But luck isn't going her way lately. Her only release is in the capoeira, part martial art, part dance, and she throws all of her energy into the dance.
Future Brazil - Edson De Freitas is a man with a plan. He wants to get out of the gutter and build a business empire, but his brother Gerson is not helping. Gerson steals a handbag, but in this era of position locating chips and all seeing satellites he needs the chip erased, and in a hurry. Gerson comes to Edson when he finds that the chip is non-standard, part of a new wave of quantum computing and needing specialist assistance. Edson helps finding the quantumeiros, a travelling group of quantum computing gurus.
Past Brazil - The Irish Jesuit priest Luis Quinn is an odd choice to track down a wayward priest in the colonial era jungles of Brazil, but he wanted a difficult task and his order in Portugal was only too pleased to oblige.
These three threads start to weave together into a mind blowing experience, covering centuries and even entire alternate universes. Nothing can prepare you for the breathtaking ride.
BRASYL is a masterpiece of modern fiction, and Ian McDonald must take his place up there with the giants of the genre. Once you pick this book up you will not put it down. Grab some strong coffee and have some fast food on hand, you'll need it.