Book Review: Dr Bloodmoney - Philip K. Dick

Publisher: Gollancz
Author: Philip K. Dick
Edition released: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-575-07994-6
278 pages
Reviewed by: Adam Donnison

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The world has suffered the Bluthgeld Catastrophe, and the legacy of Dr. Bloodmoney has visited even more pain when the bombs start dropping. Atomic war devastates and shatters lives. Life, it seems, is tenacious, and starts to deal with the new reality and a kind of normality is returning. People are forced to come to terms with their own failings and understand their true strengths.

The small community of Point Reyes is doing better than others. It has its own handyman in Hoppy Harrington, the phocomelus with no limbs who nevertheless has a fantastic ability to fix just about anything. Andrew Gill is making a name brewing whiskey and making cigarettes. There is also the strange Mr. Tree, who seems to be on the verge of insanity, and hides a dangerous past.

In this thoughtful and quirky piece, Dick takes a very optimistic view of humanity despite his obvious concerns of government and the military. Bluthgeld is both the perpetrator of heinous crimes and its victim, a pathetic character that weaves through DR. BLOODMONEY acting as a vehicle for introducing characters and tying themes together, but he is not the main story. The world has come crashing down but rather than descend into anarchy and bloodshed, Dick's world maintains its dignity and humanity finds a way forward.

DR. BLOODMONEY exemplifies Dick's thoughtful style, allowing the reader the option of accepting the story at face value, or delving into the multiply layered depths. Prepared to be challenged and entertained at the same time, as Dick plays with your mind.

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