« dotProject 2.x ManualsdotProject - Moving Forward »


Comment from: Keith Casey [Visitor]  
Keith Casey

Some of us also had criticism about how the decision was made.

It was created in secret, submitted as a proposal for feedback, but at the same time the new route was well underway.

05/11/07 @ 00:45
Comment from: [Member]

And here in lies another of the issues, the narrow viewpoint. It was not created in secret. It was discussed with the core team. It wasn’t discussed with the wider developer community because it would have, like many of the proposals before it, ended up being argued around in circles and nothing being done. There is a big difference.

Sure, it put some noses out of joint, because some thought they were closer to the core than they were, but that impression was not of my making, but of theirs.

05/11/07 @ 08:49
Comment from: [Member]

To be perfectly clear on the process as there seems to be some indication that we’ve been less than up front about all of this.

1. We called for feedback from the group on why 3.x has stalled and for suggestions on how to move forward. (Interestingly two points that were raised was lack of motivation / interest and lack of firm setting of direction.)

2. We developed a theory based on the feedback and discussed that with the long-term members of the developer group.

3. Theory was refined and restructure announced. The restructure announcement did not call for feedback.

4. We acknowledged that the restructure was likely to cause concern and went to each individual team member to discuss on a personal basis.

5. We also acknowledged that the restructure would lose people, but forward movement on the project is required.

Some team members took the opportunity to take this up with us personally and look for a resolution.

05/11/07 @ 10:16
Comment from: AjnabiZ [Visitor]  

Excellent step

We need to move forward while taking in consideration the new technologies.

12/11/07 @ 23:19

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