Title: THE SERPENT BRIDE Publisher: Voyager Author: Sara Douglass Edition released: May 2007 ISBN 10: 0-7322-8288-8 ISBN 13: 978-0-7322-8288-2 523 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison Tencendor is no more, destroyed along with the Star Gate, and StarMan… more »
Security and freedom
I could wax on about how if you give up freedom for security you deserve neither, but this isn't a political point I'm trying to make. Instead it turns out that if you want security on the Internet, you have to give up some freedoms. Case in point was… more »
A day in the life of a cider maker
We started the day with high hopes, although we had to struggle to keep perspective once things started to go wrong. Not big things, mind you, just nuisance issues that slowed us down. Like the pressure washer not working because the cleaner didn't… more »
Book Review: Burning Tower - Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Title: BURNING TOWER Publisher: Orbit Author: Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle Edition released: 2007 ISBN: 978-1-84149-218-6 613 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison Magic is starting to wane, it has been long gone in Tep's Town since Yangin-Atep went myth,… more »
memcached as a replication delay buffer for MySQL
I was playing around with memcached the other day and realised that it perfectly fits into those situations where you have a write-only master database server and one or more replicated slaves. Picture the classic use of master/slave replication where… more »