Title: HUNTER'S MOON Publisher: Gollancz Author: David Devereaux Edition released: 2007 ISBN: 978-0-5750-7985-5 231 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison Jack is as good a name as any for the central character of HUNTER'S MOON. By his own admission a… more »
Book Review: End of the World Blues - Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Title: END OF THE WORLD BLUES Publisher: Gollancz Author: Jon Courtenay Grimwood Edition released: 2006 ISBN: 978-0-5750-7953-3 342 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison Neiji is a young schoolgirl who has $15 million in stolen currency locked in a railway… more »
One down, one to go
The Memcached talk went down well and I was pleased that a number of people said how they could now understand how memcached could help them in their applications. This is really why I do these things - so that others can see the benefits of tools like… more »
Memcached and MySQL.com
Seems like more secrets are being let out of the bag. MySQL Enterprise provides support for Memcached - a distributed memory-based caching system, and I've been asked to present a webinar discussing how we've used memcached in the MySQL.com… more »
MySQL 5.1 - Pssst! The secret is out!
MySQL 5.1 went GA (Generally Available) recently. Can I let you in on a secret? Promise you won't tell anyone? The MySQL.com websites have been using 5.1 for 18 months now. It is a little known fact that quite often before even beta testers get hold of… more »