Does IE precompile Javascript?

What's the difference between these two pieces of code: dojo.addOnLoad(function() { dojo.connect(dijit.byId('mainTabContainer').tablist, 'onButtonClick', tabClick); }); and: dojo.addOnLoad(function() { var container = dijit.byId("mainTabContainer");… more »

Freedom to work anywhere

In the modern world you may often see busy people sitting in a cafe or airport lounge checking email or updating their Facebook or Twitter status. Just how far the world has come is of no surprise to those of us who are old hands in the work from… more »

Book Review: RED SEAS UNDER RED SKIES - Scott Lynch

Title: RED SEAS UNDER RED SKIES Publisher: Gollancz Author: Scott Lynch Edition released: 2007 ISBN: 978-0-575-07925-0 586 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison RED SEAS UNDER RED SKIES is book two of the GENTLEMAN BASTARD SEQUENCE, following on from THE… more »

There has to be a better way

Have you ever been in the situation that someone has asked you to just do a little something on their website, and you have to ask the dreaded question "what are the login details?". Chances are they don't know. Some bloke years ago set it up for them,… more »

Book Review: The Good Guy - Dean Koontz

Title: THE GOOD GUY Publisher: Harper Author: Dean Koontz Edition released: 2007 ISBN: 978-0-00-722660-3 456 pages Reviewed by: Adam Donnison Sitting in your favourite bar, trading sarcastic commentaries on life with the barman, you don't expect to find… more »