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Nice work, congratulations and thanks for the great work!
Great software!
Imagine it when released with Zend Framework code! :D

I was pretty happy to see a new release surfacing. Given the version number, nothing new to be expected, mainly fixes. No problem here, just surprised that issue 2547 was not fixed even where a fix was provided by the community.
Is there a specific reason why the performance killer was not fixed?

@Cass, we’re planning on a follow-up release that will contain that fix. We had a set list of issues for this release. We will be incorporating speed fixes into a release soon–we want them too! :)

Nice to see the new release.
My concern is, whether the task notification through is fixed or not?
I have the old version working perfectly, except this major issue.
Awaiting your response

@Santosh, please consult the forums on the task notification issue: http://forums.dotproject.net/

Hey, congratulations and thanks for the release. It works great. I just had some problems with the mbstring php library coming with my centos 4 distribution.
If you face the same problem: http://www.atomicorp.com/wiki/index.php/PHP fixed my problem.

Hi team!
I have to say thank you for your effort!

Hey, This is good news. Congrats and Thanks for this release!

Hi great work,
But where can we find the upgrade instructions?
keep up the good work!

@joel box, the documentation site is the best resource for this kind of information: http://docs.dotproject.net/
You can find the upgrade instructions at this URL:
Hope you enjoy 2.1.3!

The perfect! Good job team! Thanks, thanks and thanks. Dot Project very useful for me and my IT department.

Thanks for providing the link. This is really a great application.

Is it just me, but I can’t find the documentation on how to upgrade to 2.1.3, can someone help

Just one Q: is this release now PHP 5.3 compliant? I spent a couple of hours fruitlessly trying to install and run dP on localhost with XAMPP until I read the fora and found that the ‘problem’ was caused by PHP 5.3

@Neil Thomas, the link for upgrading is a couple comments above yours as well as below:
There’s nothing unique to the process for this release, but do be aware of the PHP 5.2 need for this release.
@Fred, it’s not PHP 5.3 compatible yet, but we hope to have that out soon. The PEAR Date library–which we current depend on–is the remaining hold up.

Thank you very much for excellent information. The application is very good. Thank you all for delivering the tool.

Thank you, we waiting for the new release. DP is exellent soft

Hi all
any idea, when the new version will be available?
Thanks for that great work!

@Peter, we hope soon! We’ll certainly keep everyone posted.

I can’t wait for the new version. I just downloaded version 2.1.3. Trying it out with a few software team projects.
Oh, will we be able to Migrate to 3.x? Just curious. :)

Paul, glad you’re liking 2.1.3. We do have plans to make it easily upgradable to 3.x.

What is the latest PHP version suported?
I am using 5.2.11 now and is working and in 5.3.1 is not working?
Any ideea?

Currently, only PHP 5.2 is supported. We’re working on both a back-port to PHP 5.1 and PHP 5.3 compatibility.

how to create a graphical presentation of allocated hours in dotproject2.1.2

Hi, thanks for dotProject. I used my HostGator Fantastico to install the version before this one. Is there a way to manually upgrade or do I have to wait on Fantastico>

@azhar, that’s a great question for the forums: http://forums.dotproject.net/
@Max, you’ll have to wait on Fantastico, I’m afraid.

Good work. Has issues with php 5.3.0 though. Any chance of this being sorted soon?

Doesn’t support Vietnamese yet, I installed DP on Windows machine, MYSQL with UTF8-General_ci charset, when I input Unicode and create ganttchart or PDF report, it’s still like older version

I would like to install dot projet but only have a PC under windows XP SP2. Is it possible to find somewere an exec package for windows ?
Thanks in advance for your help

Absolutely the best project management software on this planet. And it’s nice to see it’s being updated :)

@Claude, the forums are your friend for this kind of info: http://forums.dotproject.net/
@meyvetabagi, thanks for the kudos. :)

Hi, there 2.1.2 install success, but 2.1.3 is fail.
I also need the way to manual upgrade the version of 2.1.3

the “backward compatible solution” is here
pritesh chandra

@pritesh chandra, thanks for the link. We’ve got a very similar fix en route for 2.1.4–which we’ll be announcing soon, hopefully.

Can you please tell me which is teh correct version of PHP/MySql required for dotProject 2.1.3 version,
Now I have installed WampServer 2.0, where it is completely showing Deprecated warnings, and some where the SQL Errors also,

@Asker Ali M, you can use PHP 5.2 with WampServer 2, I believe. dotProject 2.1.3 is not compatible with PHP 5.3, though the next release (2.1.4) will be.

I like dP very much,
and I’m still waiting for PHP 5.3 compliance. hope it won’t be too long :)
keep up the good work
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