Archives for: "April 2007"

dotProject is not a CMS

April 12th, 2007
OK, enough is enough. Stop putting dotProject into the classification of CMS (Content Management System). It isn't. It is a software to support project management. It doesn't manage content, it helps manage projects. I'm even a little uncomfortable with… more »

Upgrade of a few packages

April 3rd, 2007
Over the next few days, time permitting, we need to update the versions of some of the packages we use on - if you keep an eye on the Moderator's announcements forum ( and here we'll let you know as each… more »

2.1 - rc2

April 1st, 2007
We're currently getting sorted to get the next release candidate out this week (probably by Wednesday if the planets align and nothing blows up in our faces somewhere else). If anybody is sitting on any bug reports or waiting to provide any feedback to… more »