More Additions

We went to Talbot Farmers Market yesterday.

Got soaked to the skin - twice.

The rain's fantastic. It's tremendous. It's bloody wet.

Still we came away with a few more additions:

New chooks - Barnevelder crosses. Lousy photo. Things are barking mad. Won't stand still for photos. Won't go into the yard of a night. Escaped already once. Going to take a little while to get them used to things. Doesn't help that one of the Sisters in Crime is a bully &#59;)

Still - Melba (aka Tedells), Thel, Greta and Merle are settling in (okay so can you pick the cultural reference).

Along with them we got very lucky and found a pair of very very rare Saxony ducks:

Meet Slippery Jim and Angelina. They are very happy sitting here in front of their new house, just adjusting to the new circumstances. Hopefully they'll like the pond (aka the old bath from the old house), that has now been buried in the ground - forgot to take a photo of that.

Meanwhile - the gang of four are settling in well, and showing no particular desire to leave the paddocks of a night - couldn't get them to budge from the paddock under the trees last night so left them there.

They were actually being quite friendly and interested to say hello - until 2 little monsters arrived:

Very very friendly (sorry about cutting off Wieldy's head - but I was trying to hold the treats still and get the zoom on the camera to work and take the photo - I was short about 2 hands).

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