Harvest Time & an Answer to the Dog Under the Doona Problem

We had our first seriously big frost the other day - which needless to say precipitated a mad scramble to finish off the harvest.

Not a bad haul from 2 garden beds:

Lots of Vegetables - amazing haul from just 2 garden beds

And your awwww moment - we've finally figured out a way of getting Jedda and Meg to get out from under a doona in the mornings:

Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs!

There's a battle to get the front spot

There's a battle to get the front spot.

It's amazing to see these two cuddling up - even if it's only as competition

It's amazing to see these two cuddling up - even if it's only as competition.


Comment from: Evan [Visitor]

How many dogs have you got, these days?

I must say, I’m becoming increasingly disenchanted with cats at the moment - but that’s a long story.

04/06/10 @ 17:14
Comment from: [Member]

Well technically the two Aussies (Jedda and Clancy) as we are still stopping short of “claiming” Meg - although the idea of giving her back to the neighbours doesn’t appeal :)

You need to share the story with me :)

04/06/10 @ 17:18

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