Who are the Three Kings?

We know there are people who've gone without sleep, ruined their eyesight, bought new glasses, cursed us - all to answer the question "Who Are the Three Kings?"

In our eighth despatch retelling our adventures in Clerkenwell, we included a photo of the sign above the Three Kings Pub, and asked readers to identify the three kings on the sign.

Sorry that the photo was a little small to make identifying them seem more like a pressure test on Master Chef than a simple stroll through someone's holiday snaps.

And the answer is ...


Comment from: [Member]

GOOD GRIEF - I wasn’t even vaguely close. Mind you, not what I would have expected, I was busily engaged in trying to find 3 kings of England that always got talked about as a trio.

You learn something new every single day :)

25/07/09 @ 16:40
Comment from: [Member]

Probably should have mentioned that they weren’t traditional kings :)

26/07/09 @ 11:40

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